DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI

Learn about the "Dldecal 586 214 5709 Mi" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on May 9, 2013, Last updated on August 5, 2013

What is it?

I ordered my case July 22,2013 and still have not received it!! I'm going to call my credit card services and reporting it fraud.

They had no problem charging my account $25, but never got a confirmation email and never got my products! I think this is a fraud.

It showed up on my credit card after trying to buy an iphone case....possible fraud as I don't believe the product was ever sent

Same happened to me, I got charged but no confirmaction email or products This is a fraud

I have the same charge. I have my products but no receipt. Not even the packing slip...

I ordered on May 12 and still haven't received anything plus they wont answer my calls. Goes straight to a voicemail. FRAUD!!! Turning this over to my credit card services and letting them s\deal with it!


My daughter order 2 phone cases July 18 and received them in today's mail.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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