I ordered my case July 22,2013 and still have not received it!! I'm going to call my credit card services and reporting it fraud.
Learn about the "Dldecal " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
Also Appears on Statements As "DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI"
First seen on May 9, 2013, Last updated on August 5, 2013
What is it?
They had no problem charging my account $25, but never got a confirmation email and never got my products! I think this is a fraud.
It showed up on my credit card after trying to buy an iphone case....possible fraud as I don't believe the product was ever sent
Same happened to me, I got charged but no confirmaction email or products This is a fraud
I have the same charge. I have my products but no receipt. Not even the packing slip...
I ordered on May 12 and still haven't received anything plus they wont answer my calls. Goes straight to a voicemail. FRAUD!!! Turning this over to my credit card services and letting them s\deal with it!
My daughter order 2 phone cases July 18 and received them in today's mail.
Also Appears on Statements As
- DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- CHKCARDDLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- POS Debit DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- POS PUR DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- POS PURCH DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- POS REFUND DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- PRE-AUTH DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- PENDING DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- Visa Check Card DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI MC
- Misc. Debit DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI
- CHKCARD DLDECAL 586-214-5709 MI