Zap* 89

Learn about the "Zap*Zappos.Com 89" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "ZAP*DEV ZAPPOS.COM 800-927-7671 NV"

First seen on June 29, 2012, Last updated on July 3, 2016

What is it? online retailer of shoes, clothing, etc.

Sept-12 AT 13:07 ZAP*ZAPPOS.COM 800-927-7671 NV, $10. If this authorization or charge appears on the debit or credit card, unless you shopped online at, it's fraud. Check other charges on the card and contact your bank. (There is no point posting on '' that you want/request/demand/etc. a refund. Contact YOUR bank/credit card company directly.)

I received a charge last night. I was notified electronically and immediately disputed it. My bank states they can't dispute the charge until it goes through. I had to cancel my card and have to wait till the dispute goes through to have my money refunded.

I have a $10 charge on my credit card - I called Zappos (the number on the card) and they were able to help me detect the fraud on my card. Call the number on your card - Zappos is a reputable online retailer and most likely, your card is being used by someone else through their site.

A charge of $10.00 has been charged to my bank account and i didn't make the charge. Take it off my account.

WOW!!!!! A lot of charges that people didn't make. I had one too. Had to cancel my ATM card for a new one. Never heard of ZAP. Only had $10.00 charged to my account. They didn't tell me how much would of been charged. They had that on hold.

Was contacted by bank. US$10 charge. Card cancelled. Card was used to purchase once from Amazon; card info was saved on Amazon. No other online purchases made with this card. Never shopped at Zappos.

Fraudulent Department through my bank called me this weekend letting me know my checking acct had been compromised and 2 transactions were made from my card,one was $200.00 for a heath fitness membership and another for Zappo's,the one for the fitness is in AZ and I live in NY and the zappo purchase was $10.00 and I have never even heard of them and I buy my shoes at wally world or payless shoe store,no way would I buy anything from them but fortunately the fraud department caught it and froze my acct until today!

Can you help? What is this charge?

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