Learn about the "Facebook.Com*2 T2 Q322 L5 Www.Fb.Me/Cc Ca" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "FACEBOOK.COM*E4VE322Q3 www.fb.me/cc CA"

First seen on March 19, 2012, Last updated on May 17, 2013

What is it?

Did not purchase this on my credit card

Walmart scam of colmen 10 person tent giveaway all u have to pay is $5.87 for shipping. They get your account number and information then charge u over a hundred dollars out of your account. Do not want anything from them.

My wifes computer missed up and called this place who said they could help for 100 dollars. They said they could not get to it till the next day. They took the money out before they even helped us so we had someone else fix since my wife needs her computer for paralegal work. We need money back in our account cause we never used there services.FACEBOOK COM X9HR4 22G2 www fb me CA

A charge to my credit card for $21.59 from fbpay*LBGVHAFGC2. It is a fraud, I don't know what fbpay is. Went to my bank and had to cancel my card and get a new card. I noticed other complaints made the last two years, so they must still be doing this. It's a fraud and has to be stopped!!!

Fraud---card use NOT AUTHORIZED

I just got a $10. charge on my credit card and of course FB does not have my card #. I do purchase things on line but this was questionable. It is fraud and is happening all over. I have disputed with my bank but if it happens again, I will change my card #. This is a scam.


I checked with my wife who regularly plays Facebook games and she admitted making charges in the games she plays. So far as I can see, this is not a fraud although the www.fb.me made it look like some overseas scam. What country is it that uses the .me domain?

Okay, so it's a fraud, you have to block your credit card and contact your bank. It's not from Facebook, as you can seer, it puts "facebk" for confusing. It's probably a virus who stole you credit card information from your computer or mobile. So cancel your card, if the charge it's still pending you will have it back quick, if not, call you bank and explain them, the will do a research an probably refund you. Good luck, be safer with your financial info and change you credit card info

i called the fraud section on my credit card and changed my # and they will investigate

For those of you posting that this is FaceBook, note that the charge is coming from www.fb.me, not www.facebook.com. This is how some overlook the charge by not paying attention to that detail.

A charge from facebook. Possibly a purchase made through a game or for advertising. For more information, visit their site at:


Daily charge for advertising on facebook

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Also Appears on Statements As