ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV

Learn about the "Zap*Dev 6 Pm.Com 888 676 2660 Nv " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 17, 2012, Last updated on August 8, 2014

What is it?

Have you purchased any shoes or other accessories recently? This is who is owned by Zappos. If you did not make such a purchase, call the phone number listed on your statement, and also call your bank immediately and ask for a chargeback.

Fraud transaction on my card $86.59 from Navy Army FCC. Reported it to them and they will handle it.

ZAP*6PM.COM 888-676-2660 I had a $265 fraud charge on my visa card last week too! coincidently I realized I had hired some professional cleaners the day it went missing! curious if folks who saw this charge also hire professional cleaners? especially in the SF bay area!? trying to be Sherlock here and solve this mystery!

I had never even heard of this site, amd i go to buy a phone from someone personally, ans just hours before i met up with the person i had 119.94 dollars left. He called the cars to be sure also amd there was only 24 something left. I am reporting a scam and or fraud for somewhere around 83 dollars. I also had someone take about 12 dollars from me ordering pizza!

Tried to charge me $261 and then another $381 but luckily i have a $500 daily spending limit or else they would've emptied my bank account. Try calling the number on the transaction you'll be met with a very interesting response...

Fraud charge of $ 56.37 on my credit card - request immediate refund

Fraud charge of $ 56.37 on my credit card - request immediate refund

Received my Australian credit card statement a fraudulent charge of $265.61. Called bank to report and to request new cards as these criminals have obtained my credit card details.

I just got charged today... 8-26-14 for $125.17. This is suck!!! I have never even heard of this place. Does anyone here remember using groupon just before getting this zap charge? That's the only out of the ordinary thing I can think of.

Australian Woolworths card, charged $275.90 plus overseas transaction fee. Dispute filed and card canceled.

This was a Zappos shoe order

Same thing happened to me! Same day too! But mine was for $197.99 called my bank and they are reporting it. Its definitely fraud! Unless you spent that much at a shoe store. Also ordered a new card since they have my card #!

Was charged by these asses!! So call your bank get a dispute form then cancel card change ur pin numbers as well WHY i do not buy online, advised my wife also to stop it.. you wanna buy something go to your local stores and PAY cash for them..

I got a fraud transaction of $1222 from this ZAP*6PM.COM. This was done on DBS Bank Singapore Card. I reported this to my bank and need to fill up dispute form to settle this.

about 200 dollas charged to my card from this company. Luckily my bank flagged this up and called me to check so i cancelled the payment. Has anybody made contact with this company?

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • CHECKCARD ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • POS Debit ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • POS PUR ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • POS PURCH ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • POS PURCHASE ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • POS REFUND ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • PRE-AUTH ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • PENDING ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • Visa Check Card ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV MC
  • Misc. Debit ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV
  • CHKCARD ZAP*DEV 6PM.COM 888-676-2660 NV