WU 877 989 3268 MO

Learn about the "Wu 877 989 3268 Mo" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on March 28, 2014, Last updated on July 13, 2015

What is it?

This just happened to me on 4/24/2014 using two separate transactions. I called Western Union and, as Dianna said, they were able to find the transactions with my name. Someone used the information from my debit card to send money through the Western Union mobile app, using my name, to Nigeria. They were very quick about it. By the time I noticed, called the bank, and then called Western Union, WU told me the funds had already been picked up in Nigeria.

Same thing happened here. Went to my checking account to pay bills and saw two transactions pending that are not mine. One was for Organizing for Action DC US Washington for $5.00. The other was pending transaction for WU MOUS 877-989-3268 for $971.00. Went to my bank and they called Western Union as this is a Western Union transaction and phone number. Western Union very helpful, they cancelled the transaction, takes 24 - 48 hours to get money transferred back to my account. They asked me to file a police report on line which I am definitely doing. They confirmed these are fraudulent charges. My bank will handle the $5.00 charge. I need to fill out dispute report once the $5.00 funds are withdrawn on that one, but my bank will get the money back to me. They destroyed my bank card at the bank, Have to get a new bank card, takes 10 days. Bank told me this was most likely an international scam and they got my card number either at Walmart or gas station as these are international stores and the most likely places for them to steal info from. It was not a computer hack or bank account hack. They do not have my personal codes with my bank or my name or address. All they have is that card number and now that card has been cancelled. Thanks for posting as I looked this up and see that it happens to a lot of us. Bank was not surprised as it has happened to several of the people working there also!

This just happened to me. Listed as "WU PIDXXXXX2475 XXXXX3268 MO". Debt transaction for $753! Called my bank to dispute. Fraud department is investigating. They issued me a credit in the meantime, and canceled my card. This is just awful.

I shopped for clothes online last night and noticed an $146.99 charge with this description. I immediately called and had my card cancelled as well as changed my password on my bank account. I called the Western Union fraud department who put me through consumer protections division and they were able to pull up who they were and where they picked up the transfer. I will be pressing charges and calling my bank tomorrow. If you see this on you statement change all your passwords, cancel your cards, call your bank, and call the WU fraud department.

I had a fraudulent change of $116 from WU 877-989-3268 MO. Western Union and my bank both called me. The person tried to send money in Kentucky.

Unauthorized transaction for $1488 in the middle of the night, was initiated in the US, money picked up in Meerut India. Transaction said WU , then 877-989-3268 CA.

It went through my credit union before I could stop it so there's no estimate on when I'll get my money back (or if).

Western Union fraud investigation unit is garbage. They protect the name of the thief and will not release where the transaction originated or who made it, say it's "against the law".

I've never used Western Union in my life and never will. I believe they must be in on the scam.

I got hit as well, two separate charges from WU 877 989 3268 MO for almost $300. Bank immediately cancelled card and refund money due to fraud.

THere are three charges of $2,625 that say "CHECKCARD ADVANCE 01/19 WU 877-989-3268 MO" I did not make these advances. Fraud alert!!

I have 2 separate Transactions for $284.99. I will be filing a Police Report. Called the number and it was very fishy so I didn't give them any important info. I reported it to my bank and they are doing their own investigation.

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Two $215 charges 10 minutes apart this morning.

Same thing happened to me on 04/18/14 for $220 I called my bank and the scary thing is he said the person not only had the card number, but they had the code on the back and my address too.....Western Union can't give any info...worthless

They're at it again. On 1/28/2015 they hit my credit card for $435 plus a $13.05 transaction fee. My credit card issuer (USAA) notified me with a credit alert. The same people, apparently, had magnetically swiped a forged card in Louisville, Kentucky, at several stores but the transactions were declined.

On 10/27/14 a fraudulent WU*3324745914 transaction for $435 was made to my credit card. My credit card company cancelled the card and I will not be liable for the charges. However, when I called Western Union to determine how the theft occurred they told me that they would only release the name of the receiver to law enforcement.

Exact same thing happened!! This morning I went to check my online statement as usual and notice a charge of $985 from POS DEBIT WU 877-989-3268 MO. I looked it up and it led to here. Thankfully, it was still pending and I called Chase bank in time. They were very helpful and I got my money back within 3 hours but had to cancel my debit card since apparently someone got a hold of the card info and used it to transfer money through Western Union.


Just had this transaction for 270 and 10.99 come out of my account. googled the item description and brought me here.

bank already credited and opened claim.

Not sure if it's related but wife was in mexico and used her DC twice....

Same WU charge for $157 on my card, happened last year, but I am stunned to see here this is happening to so many people! I called within the first 24 hours of the transaction (10 hours in I think), the Western Union rep. told me I wasn't allowed to have the information of the person that picked up the money, but they did tell me it got picked up in Westminster a few cities from where I live. They are investigating it, but something has to be done to protect us from this fraudulent activity. Yikes, why can't people earn their own money,...? Ridiculous

8/18/2020 - My debit card was compromised from phone number 877-989-3268. A charge in the amount of $287.00 thru Western Union. Thankfully my bank disabled my card and contacted me of the transaction.

This exact same thing happened to me 4/21/2014. The amount was $100. Statement read: WU WU 877-989-3268 MOUS Luckily this was a pending transaction and Western Union and my Bank have both blocked this card. You do not have to have the transaction number (MTC?) to get this blocked. I called Western Union and they were able to find the information by my name and bank name.

I just looked on my chase account and saw 2 charges from WU *29048906 877-989-3268 MO. One for $112 and the other for $12.99. I called right away and had it disputed. I have never used Western Union. I've used my debit card quite a bit at Home Depot the past 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure this has to do with the credit card data breach home depot had. Very unsettling.

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The same thing just happened to me today they took $487 it just said WU877-989-3268 and the amount deducted.

Happened to me this morning. $220. Cancelled my card and then called Western Union. After hassling with them, they were finally able to find the transaction using my card number and name. They cancelled the charge and said my money would be refunded in 3-5 days. I am also trying to intercept the person picking up and arrest them, will post again if able to do so.

Привет друзья О компании КОНТАКТЫ ДОКУМЕНТЫ ОТЗЫВЫ НАШИ РАБОТЫ Буровая компания «БурТехСервис» образована в апреле 2010 года и с тех пор активно осуществляет свою деятельность, не испытывая дефицита работы. Штат специалистов 10 человек позволяет нам быть задействованными в нескольких проектах одновременно. Наши сотрудники отличаются высоким уровнем профессионализма и обладают опытом деятельности в этой сфере вот уже 10 лет. Мы специализируемся на решении задач по комплексному водоснабжению и канализации в частных домах и коттеджах под ключ, осуществляем сервисное обслуживание и ремонт скважин, устанавливаем фильтры для очистки воды, а также другие специальные виды работ по бурению скважин широкого назначения – скважины на песок и артезианские скважины, находящиеся на глубине от 20 до 200 м.

burtehservice-logo Мы - профессионалы своего дела! Мы специализируемся на бурении и обустройстве скважин любой сложности. Пробурили уже более тысячи скважин. Каждый новый проект давал нам возможность расти и расширяться, учиться и совершенствовать свое мастерство в этой сфере. Мы не привыкли видеть в Вас клиента, мы хотим, чтобы на время нашего сотрудничества Вы стали нашим партнером, с которым пройдя путь от начального этапа Вашего заказа, мы выйдем на конечный рубеж доставив Вам комфорт от осуществленных нами услуг. Мы рады раскрыть свой потенциал на ваших объектах и готовы к сотрудничеству.

Дубовик Евгений Викторович - Индивидуальный предприниматель. Основные виды деятельности: Бурение скважин на воду; Монтаж систем водоснабжения; Монтаж фильтров водоочистки; Монтаж систем канализации; Сервисное обслуживание систем водоснабжения, водоочистки и канализации; История в цифрах 2010 — Год основания компании. Специалисты компании «БурТехСервис» оказывают услуги комплексного водоснабжения объектов. Штат сотрудников включает специалистов, имеющих аккредитацию, а также специалистов с опытом работы не менее 10 лет в данной сфере.

2014 — Компания динамично развивается, наращивает объемы выполняемых работ по обеспечению частных лиц и предприятий водой, строительство ВЗУ, бурение промышленных скважин, работы в Минской области и регионах Гродненской области.

2020 — Сегодня компания «БурТехСервис» занимает одно из лидирующих мест среди буровых компаний оказывающих услуги по бурению скважин и водоснабжению объектов. Серьезный опыт вот уже 10 лет в оказываемых нами услугах. Сформированы все штатные единицы компании. Персонал постоянно повышает свою квалификацию. Наличие собственной буровой и строительной техники.

Предоставляемое оборудование Компания «БурТехСервис» использует оборудование фирмы БурСпецТехника, Партнер, МОЗБТ.

I have a Pay Pal bank account there was a charge for $21.99 taking out on 8/9/14. Unauthorized Transaction

this has also happened to me, I did not authorize any of the transactions but they went through anyway. got the bank statement and found that they hit us 4 times totaling 495.00. we live on a fixed income and cannot afford this. going to the bank Monday to see what this is about. not satisfied, will change banks. this is the last straw with this bank. just looking for an excuse to tell them shove it.

I had a charge of 65.00 posted to my debit card from this number. I have never used Western Union. I reported this as a fraudulent charge to my card.

Same thing - Bank of America was on it immediately- two charges for 191.00 and one for 0.00 (the attempt to see if it worked). Actually surprised anyone tries this with the amount of security B of A provides and knows the fraud.

Добрый день товарищи

Роторное бурение Роторное Бурение (Бурение с промывкой или продувкой)

Результат 100% При таком способе бурения используется оборудования вращательного типа. Порода разрушается специальным инструментом долотом. В результате поступательно-вращательных движений, оборудование постепенно заглубляется, а почва из забоя выводится наружу глиняным раствором, водой или сжатым воздухом. Применяется для бурения как мягких, так и твёрдых пород на довольно большую глубину. Скважины, сделанные роторным способом имеют более продолжительный срок службы.

Роторное Бурение в нашей организации стоит от 60 рублей за метр погонный.

I just had this happen to me also. looked at my account and was -$215 and it was because western union let someone transfer money out of the country that should of raised a red flag already all they had to do was call me and ask just to make sure! has anyone got their money back if it has already been taken? Any suggestions on how to get help to get it back? I cant afford to feed other people when I hardly have enough money to feed my family!

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDWU 877 989 3268 MO
  • CHECKCARD WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • POS Debit WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • POS PUR WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • POS PURCH WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • POS PURCHASE WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • POS REFUND WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • PRE-AUTH WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • PENDING WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • Visa Check Card WU 877 989 3268 MO MC
  • Misc. Debit WU 877 989 3268 MO
  • CHKCARD WU 877 989 3268 MO