Learn about the "Under Armour Direct Virt" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on June 23, 2012, Last updated on February 25, 2020

What is it?

Haven't shopped at Under Armour in two years, received a charge this morning for $31, by the time I got off the phone with my bank, 4 other charges had come through for an additional $400!

I had at least four ATTEMPTED TRANSACTIONS from this under armor company obviously this a company that is scamming peoples account I just talked to a rep who literally just blocked this under armor merchant maybe you guys should do this as well

I opened my M&T banking app last night to find several smaller charges that I did not make from seemingly regular places like Papa Johns, followed by two massive charges for over $1k from UA.com*888 727 6687. These scammers will typically try out a few smaller charges on your account to see what they can get away with before going for the big withdrawals…. Kicking myself for not noticing sooner! But M&T is fantastic about this stuff- 15 mins on the phone with a rep and we shut my card down, froze the account, and filed a claim to have my money returned. No clue how they got my information though which has me a little worried…

Just had this happen to me they tried this morning at 2am for five something but card was declined because Cvv was wrong ... then they just tried again but I disabled all transactions .... I have chime

I ate at Applebees, 1 and 1/2 hours latter, I recieved a $300 charge. I usedd the table check out. If that helps.

i got a message on my chime account saying the charge was decline because the CVW was wrong not sure how someone got my card info good thing right now i have no money in that card but i been getting a lot of decline transactions 2 from Under Armour Direct Vi and one from some place international

Good this I'm awake and working right now, I got a notification that Under Armour was trying to use my card and entered the wrong CCV, I put a hold on my card set up a transfer to empty my account turned the card back on transferred then cancelled the card so they can't scam me anymore! If your going to steal money do a better job. You arn't taking my money.

I literally just had this try to come through my bank account but I always have my card disabled for things. This is why I advise people to get chime. You can just turn it on and off whenever you want.

I had at least four ATTEMPTED TRANSACTIONS from this under armor company obviously this a company that is scamming peoples account I just talked to a rep who literally just blocked this under armor merchant maybe you guys should do this as well

I wish I could post the screenshot of my notifications. But I received an alert of my card being declined to an “under armour Direct Vi because the wrong CVV used” so if everyone else is having this issue how can they expect us to be with them. Report it ASAP!

I have never shopped at under armour. Several attempts just made to purchase something from ua.com. I froze the account. They are still trying. They must have got this info in the hack. I dont use the card for chime, I just use the chime account to transfer money to my main real bank account

Merchant NameUA.CA 888-666-1182 Merchant CountryCAN Merchant Zip00000

Repeatedly charged, claimed, investigated. Credit Card was replaced and now they make UA.CA purchases with no CVC number or PIN code. This is obviously perpetrated by an employee of Walmart, Dollarama, Save-on-Foods, Safeway, or Amazon; the only places that know the new card.

Under Armour Inc Sportswear Manufacturer

Had a $1.00 charge to my card as pending from UNDER ARMOUR DIRECT VIRT . Contacted CC company and they have removed. Now having to get new card. What a pain. $1.00 not much but may be an indication of things to come. Glad I caught it and they catch those doing this. Always check your card.

Havent purchased anything from UnderArmour Direct in 3 months. Yesterday 2 charges were put on my credit card. Called Bank Of America/Sprint card and they said -you previously had charges from them. I said-close the account as their "fraud rep" is too naïve to understand how it happens. Still have to dispute the transactions- B of A representative could not provide a phone number for the pending charges, so gave me the one from 5 months ago!! Who is able to charge your credit card without providing a phone number? Glad to see that others shared their experiences, BofA certainly is no advocate for their clients

I ordered from fashion nova yesterday and this morning my card has been charged tf up! i got a charge from under armor VI and NW Designer Craftsmen. i knew fashion nova looked like a scam site

Lyric here again, they have changed the name of this fraud tactic on Chime atleast. It is now coming through on my bank statement as Ua.com*888 727 6687 this is the actual number for Under Armour Customer Service and they are trying to make their scam attempts look more realistic. I’m going to have chime put a block on this particular “merchant” and anything like it from here on out. I also have a new card. I’m just getting notifications from my old card because I reported it as stolen.

Happend to me as well in Baltimore, home of Under Armour. Two separate charges shipped to an address in Baltimore. Capital One refuses , so far, to reverse the charges, stating the scammer used all the info on my card.

My Chime card has never been used online never used overseas only used at a local supermarket. I too have been receiving under armor charges plus many others overseas. It’s my understanding Chime account was hacked in October 2019 and no one was notified. I called in had a new card issued I have no money in the account and all transactions are blocked and I still keep receiving declines overseas.

Had this charge pop up on my Chime account the other day but they used the wrong CVV (idiots) so the card declined. I originally thought it was my boyfriend using my card to buy something from under armor because I do owe him a shirt from there. But when he said he never did this I immediately blocked all transactions on my card and emptied my account. I have never bought anything from under armor EVER. I am so thankful for chime sending notifications about anything that has to do with my card. I do want to know where my card information was compromised though so I can warn people not to shop there anymore.

Woke up to 2 transactions being made on my chime card this morning to under armour. I NEVER shop there. The wrong cvv was used. At about 2:40 am purchase was attempted some strange website for tickets or something at art gallery store. I got notification last week also but sat down today to check these purchases!! Ugh I'm grateful nothing went through today. Get these mfs!!!!

I have Chime too. This under armour stuff started showing up this last monday after i made a purchase at DSW for shoes online and 4Ocean. First time Ive ever purchased online! Good thing it happened on Monday, my direct deposit hit Tuesday so I was broke and I blocked my transactions but they keep trying, most recent was this morning at 0430. Chime is sending me a new card. This is the first bank account I've had in 15 years , was strictly cash because of this kinda stuff. Going back to cash.

Just had a single charge from this company hit my bill within the past hour or so for over $1,000.00 - We have a fraud protection system which is investigating this. Once we get more information we will post it here. If anyone else has any information it would be helpful. Daisy Mae, did you get any other information?

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