TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429

Learn about the "Tme*K2 J0 H6*Bckpcker 855 226 0429" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on August 19, 2014, Last updated on November 13, 2015

What is it?

I found a $46 charge from TME 855-226-0429 on my credit card. When I called that phone number, "Mariana" could not find any subscriptions under my name. When she asked for my credit card number to verify info, I refused to give it to her. She assured me that she would turn the matter over to their customer service dept. to research. I asked for that phone number as well as their website address: After our phone conversation, I searched that website for any subscription under my name. To my surprise, a subscription for Reader's Digest came up with a recurring charge of $46/month! I don't subscribe to ANY magazines and have never authorized such a charge. I immediately contacted VISA who gathered all of the info and credited that amount on my card. Unfortunately, we have to go through the hassle of getting a new card, but that is minimal compared to what could have happened. If you see such a charge on your credit card, investigate it immediately!

The toll free # for these idiots is : 1-855-226-0429 Company: Direct Marketing Magazine I found out that my charge came from an FYE "Backstage Pass VIP" membership that was cancelled two weeks after we got it. Supposedly they automatically sign you up for a magazine subscription and don't tell you that when you call to cancel the membership you also have to cancel the magazine subscription you know nothing about. I'm currently fighting to get a $24.50 charge taken away from my bank account.

This is a charge from the company over at I had the same charge (just with a different magazine name) for $33!!! I signed up for $2 yearly subscriptions back in 2013, and the $33 was for renewing one particular magazine. I went on their website and canceled all the subscriptions I had (which also were due to renew within days of each other). On their website it says they will email you when it's time to renew. Apparently they never sent that email to me. I ended up emailing their customer service saying how angry I was, that it overdrafted my account (which it did. I'm a poor college student), and that I wanted a refund. I also threatened to dispute the charge with my bank if nothing was done. I got an email back a couple days later saying they canceled the order, were giving me a refund, and would cover any overdraft fees. The money was back in my account after 2 business days.

Saw the following mystery charge on my bank statement: $34.00 RECURRING CHECK CARD PURCHASE TME300WHXENTRPRNR 855-226-0429 NY. When I called the number, I was told that the annual subscription I bought through in March 2014 for $11.97 went into the "automatic system" and was renewed for $34.00. They could not tell me how my subscription ended up in the "automatic system" or why I was being charged $34.00 vs. $11.97, but they were very polite and processed a refund with no argument or attitude.

I was also charged for with this magazine company for $30 . I didn't know it would automatically renew itself with out letting a customer know. I called their company and demanded a refund of $30 he said you will get a refund of $27. I asked him why $27 when I was charged $30 I demand to get a full refund . He tried to explain to me because I would be getting 2 magazines I told him I cancelled so why would I receive magazines ? Since I was charged 2 days ago and just seen the charge today I immediately called . So don't wait call ASAP !! Demand your money back !! I called this number 1 (877) 815-8309 . It wasn't easy to find they try to make you fill out a concern email and they don't reply back to help.

This (TMEKP477PSMITHSON 855-226-0429 CT DIRECT MARKETING-CONTINUITY SUBSCRIPTION $12.00) showed up on my charge account after placing an order with L.L. Bean. I didn't order anything but two pair of shorts and that charge is correct. What the hell is this? Am disputing.

I received a $30 charge on my Chase credit card and proceeded to find out what it was for. I called the number listed on my bill and after much discussion which I could barely understand the lady, she said the bill was for Guideposts magazines. I knew then there was something wrong because I have never given Guideposts my credit card number. So I said I wanted everything cancelled and a credit on my card. She was not happy about it but finally agreed. So I called Guideposts and they knew nothing about the $30 charge and said I always paid by check and nothing was being cancelled. Then I googled the number for this company and saw that there have been a lot of false charge reports. Then I called Chase and they happily credited my account and are issueing me a new card.

Rec'd a $45 charge on my Credit card from "Magazine Subscription Services. Called to complain. Got runaround, but persisted. This is an independent service contracted by many magazine publishers. They operate on an "opt out" basis. This means that once they have you they will continue to enter future subscription until you tell them to stop. I was charged the $45 for a 1 year subscription to Readers Digest (normal renewal cost is $15.00). They first offered to refund me part of the cost. I insisted that I wanted it all or would call the NY Attorney General's office. Finally they relented and would refund the entire amount. I told them to take me off their list and NEVER pull that crap again. We'll see.

Then Called Readers Digest directly to complain. They again explained the process and I told them how inappropriate this tactic was. They apologized and said they would report it up the line. I don't expect anything will change. Caveat Emptor!

Just went through this myself. I am assuming TME means they are the main publishing company for all of these. I called the number provided in these other posts and made my way to an actual person finally. He offered me all the extra stuff too and I said no. I also asked about another free mag that was ending soon and had him cancel that one too. The number he gave me if I have to call back was 877-645-6806. Good luck everyone. My two mags involved were Sunset and Entertainment Weekly.

Thanks for the phone number, SaSha! I called (877) 815-8309 ("The Magazine Service Center") and a friendly representative informed me that the $19.50 charge to my checking account was for a REALSIMPLE magazine subscription. According to the rep, I will receive a refund in 1-3 business days. I requested a confirmation #. The call duration was 3 minutes. Thanks!

I had 3 $2 mag subscriptions (through with this company. None renewing for several months. Today I was charged $75!!!!!!! Yes, $75!!! on my Chase credit card. I immediately called Chase. They cancelled the charge and my card. This company is unreal. They are accredited with the BBB even though they have hundreds of complaints just like mine and the ones posted here. I plain to follow up with the BBB until they give me a viable reason as to why they have accredited such a disreputable company!

Magazine Customer Services ( renews prescriptions to magazines without billing and requesting prior authorization. I never did any business with them directly.

Exactly one year ago, after an online purchase to a legitimate business, I was given the option of subscriptions for $2 each to up to 4 magazines. After the first charge to one of the magazines 2 days ago, I investigated based on the earlier posts on this page and found out Magazine Customer Services has an active account of all the 4 magazines and in all likelihood, plans to renew all those subscriptions.

I attempted to cancel them, but the format looks very confusing and misleading, to the point I was not sure whether they were cancelled and under what terms. I did send the company a message through email, the only way they have available of their website.

I may have to go to each individual magazine to also cancel subscriptions. I tried one and found out I have an account, although I never opened one. I did cancel, but it was stated the refund can only come from the "agent", Magazine Customer Services I suppose.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDTME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • CHECKCARD TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • POS Debit TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • POS PUR TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • POS PURCH TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • POS REFUND TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • PRE-AUTH TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • PENDING TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • Visa Check Card TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429 MC
  • Misc. Debit TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429
  • CHKCARD TME*K2J0H6*BCKPCKER 855 226 0429