SQC*BR 8774174551 CA

Learn about the "Sqc*Br 8774174551 Ca" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on December 4, 2014, Last updated on March 1, 2019

What is it?

I had two charges coming out of CA in November on my card. One being from SQCSelina Martinez, the other from SQCWeston Medley. I DId not use my card for these, so reported them to my bank and bank reported it as fraud and I got my money refunded. One was for $97 and one was for $98, both done on the same day. After bank had refunded my money, the people who had charged these refunded my money! Ok, so today (this is in December) I went to the store and my card was declined. I come home and go online to find another charge from SQC*Selina Martinez for $97!!!!! This made my account balance go into the negative and I had ordered Christmas items online from Walmart that I do not know now if that will go through. What a mess! The bank had issued me a new card for security reasons and I destroyed the first card. Somehow this charge today was made on my NEW card that I haven't used to purchase anything online except Walmart. I am baffled and very upset. I cannot get a new card EVERY MONTH just so they don't have my card number!!!! What does a person do to stop these people when you have no idea who they are or how they are getting your card info? There has never been a phone # on any of these transactions, so I cannot contact anyone. Phone numbers would probably be fake anyway.

I want to warn every one about SQC*{persons name} charges. I work for a financial institution in the debit card fraud department. We have had several disputes for this merchant. It is an app you would use to pay someone. You have to download it to a device and save your card or account information to the app. Then you can send money to anyone who has a registered account. We have had several disputes filed for this merchant. I have done some testing and it is next to impossible to get a hold of anyone. They do have a "cash support" link inside the app. I had to register an account myself to try and get help for a member who has a $500.00 transaction on their account that was debited in error. No one will answer any messages we have sent.

This merchant has made it very easy for fraudsters to use stolen information. You can save more than one account or more than one debit card onto an account. This allows the fraudster to add a card and fund their own account with stolen info. They do not have much of a safe guard to prevent this from happening. My suggestion would be to stay away from this app and do not save account info or card info into it.

Please note, if you have never had a cash app account, it is definitely fraud and you should immediately block the card that was debited. IF they used your account and routing number, you will need to close the account and open one under a new number.

I would like to know if anyone knows what SQC*Zikria is or if anyone has seen any charges on their account by this name.

this is still happening it's 2018 and we got hit 28 times in one night to SQC* Our fraud protection is pretty good but their software doesn't trigger on $5 debits.... even 28 of them in 8 hours. so 5 years later and we haven't figured out how to stop these SOB's

My account was also hit for small amounts, weeks apart. Today, there were several hits, ranging from $5 to $25. US Bank mentioned an app called Cash App.Fraud has been reported and since today's transactions were "pending", the fraud liason reversedthem. Hope these scammers get busted !


Whatsthatcharge.com is associating Holi Moli Seeds with this number because we have used their company. WE ARE NOT CHARGING ANYBODYS CARDS. Please contact your bank and CashApp to let them know these are fraudulent charges. People suck and we are sorry, but we have nothing to do with Square.

I don’t have a cash app or anything like that. Lost $500 to “SQ*TRANSFER TO SQU 877-417-4551 CA. My lousy bank paid them and despite my telling them I did not make that transaction, they paid it and over-drafted me and charged me a fee. First Citizens Bank in Virginia.

I'm looking for the person of this name do you know who he is

Charged me $700. I don't use CashApp and haven't bought anything/sent money anywhere.

This same thing happened to me for 4 different times of the fraudulent merchant recharging your account. This is an error that the banks need to correct. What happened to me with Wells Fargo Bank with my debit card was a fraudulent charged. My bank Wells Fargo, filed a fraud claim. I was issued a new card and the old card canceled. Later, the same fraud charge was charged again. I contacted Wells Fargo Bank. They changed the debit card again. But a third time the same fraudsters charged on the third time changed debit card with the new card number. I am an investigator. I knew no one knew the new card number. I stopped using it. I contacted WF to track down how this charge came through. I found out that the Fraudsters submit the charge from the credit card as a draft payment. The banks and card platforms don't have security measures in place to prevent a draft The problem is the pay platforms and banks don't have measures in place (unless they fixed that since last year (2023) to compare the drafts against a previous fraudulent charge. So, the charge goes through. The other thing that happens is the money platforms and the banks then input the current card number. So, the banks and/or money platforms processing your card, are the ones giving the crooks your new card number. This is an issue that the public needs to write their Congressmen, Senators, and Federal Banking Institutions (FDIC) to force the banks and money exchanges to change their systems to help consumers. The reason the "money changers" don't change is they make lots of insufficient funds fees when this happens to you. A lot of us must write the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau and file formal Complaints. "Evil wins when good people do nothing." Massive complaints will lead to change.

This phone # (877) 417- 4551 is associated with a business called ""Holi Moli Seeds, holimoli.com"" in southern California located at 200 N. Yucca ave. J19 Barstow California 92311 The phone # for Holi Moli seeds is (760) 590-7921 If you buy any cannabis seeds from Moli Moli seeds, you will be charged by SQ Visionary concepts (877)417-4551 SQ Visionary concepts(holimoli.com) is run by a woman(99% assurance)

I have 14 authorized transactions from the 8774174551 equaling $3405 through CASH APP...omg! They have taken anywhere from $10 to $900 per transaction. I was reading that they also do it through square. Be safe. Watch out. So scary.

I have two charges for today one for $450 and one for $430 that was later returned back. In process of getting thru to dispute these but Holiday they are not answering. Here is mine: Pre-Authorization Debit At Cash App*Robert Richar, 8774174551, Ca On 052520. Thank Goodness 5/3 has a small fee watch that they do for us. They sent me a message re: it. Caught one but not the other it seems. Sad thing is I work for a living. They need to get a job! Not take from us. I have not used an App to send people money so there has to be another way they are getting in to our accounts.

"SQC" is the CASH app. If you send money to a friend, it will show up something like this: "Card purchase SQC friend's name here* 4829 (2018-12-08) 8774174551 CA 26740196"

This 8774174551 number just hit my account 10 times for $813. Never used cashapp before or even have it on my phone. There's accounts of this happening on this page going back over 5 years. Nice payday for some coward p.o.s.! Hope they try this in person one day and find themselves on the receiving end of serious bodily harm!

I don’t have a cash app or anything like that. Lost $500 to “SQ*TRANSFER TO SQU 877-417-4551 CA. My lousy bank paid them and despite my telling them I did not make that transaction, they paid it and over-drafted me and charged me a fee. First Citizens Bank in Virginia.

I had 10 charges for $5 each to SQCJoyceGates... And SQCTyriceDates... Who the heck are these people? Contacted Chase and reported it.

Those charges are if you used cash up app to send/transfer money.

I'm looking for the person of this name do you know who he is

I got on my bank statement to check my balance to pay bills and noticed there were 5 transactions under SQCF* YOU 8774174551 CA. I didn't hesistate to call my bank and report fraud. No idea how they got my CC info. Beware if you see any charges under SQC.

This is what showed up on my bank account this morning 6 TIMES!!! CASH APP*TERRY DILLIGA 8774174551 CA. Thankfully my bank caught it and it is being taken care of. Also notified CashApp of the fraudulent individual and they are also monitoring. Luckily my bank flagged it, but now i have to wait for 5-7 days for a new card. Thank you jackwagon, as if my day wasn't bad enough, now it's inconvenient as well.

SQC is the Square Cash App, if any of you use the app. I almost reported fraud because I didn't recognize a small amount of money that I sent to a person for covering my dinner and drinks when I left my wallet at work.

I got hit by the same people on August 17th 2020. They were you saying something called Cash app ain't got me for a total of $600 transactions. I was able to find out a dumbass man's name and I have started fraud with my bank and also fraud with my local police department I do have a case number and we'll be looking for prosecution

4 charges over 3 days from $475 to $44 all DECLINED by my bank. I'm back to using my BLUEBIRD card for all my charges now. Square is a joke.

don't be fooled....my stepson is buying drugs through this app......please check your loved ones

While checking my recent CC transactions, saw an unauthorised (pending) $660 charge by SQ*Maruthi Fuels Inc with the number 877-417-4551. Immediately called my bank to report fraud and hopefully since this charge is not processed, it can be stopped. I try to check online to vet transactions every few days as I find CC fraud is so rampant now. Still a pain even when caught early as it involves cancelling and getting a new card so have to set up recurring payments (streaming services, mobile charges etc) again.

I had 10 charges for $5 each to SQCJoyceGates... And SQCTyriceDates... Who the heck are these people? Contacted Chase and reported it.

My checking account got hit yesterday for just over $100 in 14 different charges. Phone number associated with these charges is 415-375-3176 which 411.com says is registered to Dana Russell Wagner in San Francisco, CA. Got my card canceled pronto and luckily my bank will refund the fraudulent charges. Watch your bank and credit card accounts closely especially this time of year. The scumbag thieves are busy.

User claims to be a female in need money or an uber/lyft ride for a friend or will pretend to be one of your friends, or anything to get your money. Eventually asks to have the funds sent by Square Cash or another money transfering platform. This particular user was pretending to be an escort/prostitute begging for money. Tried to exploit money for a request then continued to make requests/attempt to process transactions. BE WHERE OF SCAMMER 877-417-4551, 8774174551, SQC*ADRIANAH PMNT SENT 8774174551 CA, Wire Transfers and Money Orders, SQUARE CASH, Cash, Checks & Misc: Other Expenses <- All information shown on my bank statement which was instantly reversed by my Bank. Square Cash DOES NOT DO REFUNDS/DISPUTES.

Forgot to mention, phone number 585-391-9969 and the Square Cash username $mocha56 with "name" Adrianah. Avatar of an African American young female wearing a black jacket and what appears to be a white top. SQC*ADRIANAH 03/31 PMNT SENT 8774174551 CA

There's a prostitute named Teddy Betty. She goes by many names. She has multiple numbers. (707)601-5291 Along with (877)417-4551 Please help and report her to the police is she stole from you too. Also help put her behind bars for her prostitution.

That's cash app...what you pay via cash app what you will see in your statement that number.

I was at my home when I received a notification from my bank that they detected an unusual activity in my bank account so I checked my account and I got debited $500 by Cash App*Henry 8774174551 CA so I reported to my bank and they blocked my debit card and I’m waiting for my refund and my new card I hope they get arrested because it is not right that you are working hard and another person just take your money without you authorization.

I purchased Girl Scout cookies last week and the Mom running the stand was using Square on her IPhone. This week I get three charges on my debit card. Two of the were SQC Manuel Diaz for $17.55 with a listing as Utilites and SQC Yoselyn Rodriguez for $17.55 with a listing as Utilities. The third was from Southern Virginia University first the deposit $5 then they took back $5. I’m going to call my bank to get my money back.

I just noticed a charge: entitled PURCHASE SQC* BRIBRI Visa Transfer in the amount of $240 on my wife's debit card out of California zip code 94103 which is San Francisco, CA .Transaction type :Purchase Authorization Category :Money Transfer -Merchant. Sounds like the same type of thing all of you are reporting. The bank is investigating and will credit the money back within about 10 days but yes nobody has the time and resources to assign detectives to catch people who do these fraudulent acts. The best you can usually hope for is a chargeback to your account and then hope it doesn't keep happening.

My bank alerted me to 10 charges all on the same day. They immediately cancelled my card. One more showed up after I spoke to the bank. All are from phone number 8774174551 and SQC* and a person's name.
Love my bank for telling me while they were still pending and not deducted yet.

WOW, Love Square! If the transaction begins w/ *SQ it was processed thru Square. Simply go to www.squaredup.com/receipts enter just a bit of info, and your receipt will be displayed for printing. The receipt lists the vendor and contact info. WOW, so much easier than the complete and total waste of my time contacting Citi card and asking for assistance w/ my credit card

I got two charges of 60 and 70 dollars a total of 130 both from California on the same day too. Said it was from brandon Simms 8774174551 so I called the bank right away they told me the person tried to take out thousands of dollars. Funny thing I ain’t rich so I was a lost cause for who ever it was but I am so happy I’m not the only one

Multiple fraudulent charges made using my debit card. They appear as "SQC" on the statement, followed by a bogus name (Jodi). These charges stem from an app called "Cash Out". Someone is getting our card numbers and using this app to, essentially, wire money to themselves using our cards.
Everyone please be vigilant, and help watch out for the elderly among us who may not know just how clever these cons are.

Some one used my debit card and put all types of charges to my bank account

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDSQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • CHECKCARD SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • POS Debit SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • POS PUR SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • POS PURCH SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • POS PURCHASE SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • POS REFUND SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • PRE-AUTH SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • PENDING SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • Visa Check Card SQC*BR 8774174551 CA MC
  • Misc. Debit SQC*BR 8774174551 CA
  • CHKCARD SQC*BR 8774174551 CA