For me it was a purchase I had made with "GIANT TIGER" online. The charge was correct. On my credit card account the name is "Shop-A-Tron". Very confusing, but I did make the purchase.
SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
Learn about the "Shoptrn* 877 4127467 " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on June 6, 2013, Last updated on April 15, 2021
What is it?
This is a charge from Giant Tiger, a Canadian discount store chain that uses a payment processor called KIBO/Shopatron. The company has more than 260 locations across Canada.
Some items the company sells include:
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Makeup
- Groceries
- Baby products
Why this charge may appear on your card
You're likely seeing this charge because you (or someone using your card) made a purchase at Giant Tiger.
What can you do?
If you don’t recognize the charge, you can contact Giant Tiger at (877) 919-6949 or You can also contact your bank or credit card company to dispute the charges and try to recover the money.
Community Feedback
I had 2 of these charges too, and couldn't figure it out. It did end up being Giant tiger for me as well, which yes, I did make the charges. Theyre one of the only places to order clothes that does curbside in Ontario, in a timely manner (not waiting weeks for Walmart delivery). If you see this charge, it may be a smaller shop you did online or curbside with recently during lockdowns
Mine was a a charge from Giant Tiger. Two separate charges - they shipped the items separately and charged when each item shipped.
Spn *shopatron,877 took 7.59 off my card I don't know who they are I'm reporting them
We have had this charge a number of times and the first time had a Visa cancelled and got a new card. Within 2 weeks the number appeared again on the new card. We have since discovered that it is a processing firm on behalf of Giant Tiger. GT should let patrons know this. It can be found when you go to Giant Tiger, Contact us/customer care.
I too was wondering what the SPNSHOPATRON 877-4127467,TX charge was on my Visa. After reading this’s definitely Giant Tiger. I did an online order a month ago, picked up part of it at that time & the rest just today. I looked back and the original charge was under the same SPN. I thought I had paid in full for my GT order at the time of order.... nope, only a partial charge & the rest today. Thanxs everyone!
From what I have looked into. 2280304 Ontario F Has anyone had this come up in their account. Apparently it is also from giant tiger when you purchase online. Also this SPN*SHOPAT 15.82V didn’t know why 2 separate charges. But when I ordered online they took the money as your items are shipped. Even if they are shipped separately. Just everyone is aware it doesn’t come up Giant Tiger
For me, the SNP*SHOPATRON charge was for an online order I made from Giant Tiger.
I have a charge of $3.59 showing up randomly on my debit card as Spn Shopatron and I don’t know who, what, when, where, why or how this transaction came about. I want to dispute it and make sure it is noted as fraud ASAP. I have pictures of this transaction on my debit card.
Shopatron charge go fuck yourself, scammed by business
I have a charge on debit card for $6.68 and have no idea why. card has since been canceled. Date of 4-10-2021.
Yes it turns out to be Giant Tiger, they are a "eCommerce order management" company, thanks for these postings
They just randomly take small amounts off of my debit card. It's theft plain and simple.
Received an alert from by bank for a .76 cent charge from SPN.SHOPATRON. Contacted SHOPATRON who informed me someone was trying to use my card (hence the .76 cent charge) and that I needed to contact my bank. I contacted bank and they blocked my card and are shipping out a replacement. SCARY STUFF FOR SURE! F the lowlife assholes on this planet.
I never heard of spn*shopatron ,I checked every order iv ever placed and nothing, but they have taken first $3.76 then 4$4.79,then $7 and just now $8.69 I called the 800 nothing no 1 can give me reason or refund, I canceled my debit card, because now a is doing the same small change at 3am when I'm not up to see the charges
Someone tried to use my cash app to purchase something from shopatron, but I have no funds so it was cancelled. They tried twice.
I did not order enything from spn shopaton
I have several fraud charges on my debit card ending in 2563. I want all of the charges reversed or I will report you company to be fraud department.
Fraud!!!! I did not authorize this transaction! They used this first and then tried multiple orders from different retailers using my Visa card.
There was a fraud operation on my card of CAD 2.5 by SPN*SHOPATRON and I reported this to my bank, so they stopped my card.
I see purchases that I didn’t make never heard of shopatron nor giant tiger
Shopatron appeared on my statement. I called it in as fraud and while on hold I searched the company only to find that Giant Tiger uses this as their processing for online transactions. It would be REALLY helpful if Giant Tiger had a large note about this on their website. If it were not for this site I would have reported it as fraud. Clear communication is necessary to be a successful online retailer.
Who are you? someone can tell me what is SNP*SHOPATRON? I have never heard about them before they took on my card money ,so i ask for a refund now ,ie everything they took from me otherwise I denounce you.
I noticed a charge for “shop-A-Tron on my Aug statement. They are taking advantage of customers during covid.
I will never shop at Giant Tiger again.
For me this always turns out to be orders I have placed from I have received this on my Visa invoice several times and it always looks questionable, so I investigate it and everytime it has been They really should include the originating website on the Visa charge to avoid confusion.
I had also charged Rs 141 and 140 from SPNSHOPATRON/877-4126467/000000269413 yesterday and today. I also don't know what is SPNSHOPATRON 877-4127467. I also don't know why this amount has charged from my bank account?
It's for "Shop-A-Tron". They run ecommerce for many retailers. See:
If you purchase from an online retailer it may come through as this.
Company Name
Giant Tiger
Phone Number
(877) 919-6949
Also Appears on Statements As
- CHKCARDSHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- CHECKCARD SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- POS Debit SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- POS PUR SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- POS PURCH SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- POS REFUND SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- PRE-AUTH SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- PENDING SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- Visa Check Card SHOPTRN* 877-4127467 MC
- Misc. Debit SHOPTRN* 877-4127467
- CHKCARD SHOPTRN* 877-4127467