Hi, somebody has stolen my credit card and I just received a charge of 110,95$ (18/01/2014) titled "RIOTGAM*LEAGUEOFLEGEND 866-373-9211 CA US". Of course not made by me so I Report it as a fraud immediately!
Hope you can do something!
First seen on October 15, 2012, Last updated on December 5, 2023
Hi, somebody has stolen my credit card and I just received a charge of 110,95$ (18/01/2014) titled "RIOTGAM*LEAGUEOFLEGEND 866-373-9211 CA US". Of course not made by me so I Report it as a fraud immediately!
Hope you can do something!
riot games is a online game called "league of legends"
Did not make this charge..fraud on my card
Received a charge on my credit card for $49.99 fraudulent purchase
someone has used my card to buy $ 500 worth of gaming. POLICE have been notified. TOTAL FRAUD. LN0D, LNOJ, LNOV, LNOE, LNO2. please verify the purchasers info before releasing products. i don't even know who this company is.
I get a call this morning from fraud detection, here’s a similar name that appeared on my phone: RiotGamLol LN84