Hey, Every day, he promises the end. He taps the table angrily and wags his finger at the west, promising apocalypse.
Chilling...right? Because he has more stockpiles than anyone else, his country could have burned the entire planet seven times just a few years ago. The head of French Secret Services just said: The people from this hostile nation have the habit of doing what they say and they're seeing a lot of changes that can't be talked about.
Many believe he may be insane, like Hitler was in the late 1930s, and have already decided the showdown is inevitable. The Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish governments are preparing for an apocalyptic showdown.
Are you ready? If the mother of all wars breaks out right now, are you and your family prepared?
I just wanted to share this page I found with you: https://bit.ly/3InuK8c https://bit.ly/3InuK8c