H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL

Learn about the "H&M Mail/Phone Ord #77 855 466 7467 Il " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on February 20, 2014, Last updated on May 6, 2016

What is it?

Saw an $1,100 charge pending on my debit card that showed H&M Mail/Phone Chicago. Called Wells Fargo to dispute. I've heard there are lots of these frauds going on in Chicago.

Same problem here - order number 7700 for $12.95

I just received an alert that my card was used for a phone order at H&M for $461 that was not me. I’ve never even heard of this place. Being that this has happened with the same vendor, it sounds like an “inside”job. I would advise everyone with this same issue to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau or Consumer Protection Agency to look into this. If they can get the, to higher their standards for credit card protection, it will prevent whoever it is from continuing the fraud. Seems suspicious that people’s cards are being used at the same company over and over. TAKE ACTION! I certainly plan to. Go to https://www.bbb.org. And https://www.usa.gov/consumer-complaints

Same thing has happened to me. Got a call from Chase about my account activity. Checked my acct to find 3 charges totaling $180 plus another one for $138. Couldn't believe that I now had the ability to be in two places at once. I'm shocked to see all these issues about the same charges and I have to agree with the previous post by Skip. This has been going on long enough for these banks to put a stop to it.


I had two charges by PURCHASE H&M MAIL/PHO CHICAGO IL on 3/31/15 online totaling $286. I caught it fast; however H&M was not helpful in trying to stop the shipment. Told me I had to wait until bank contacted them and there was no way for them to track this order with my debit card info.

if there are so many complaints why has no one done anything about it and shut it down, i just recently found out i was hacked by these assholes yesterday for 27.04, from my child support card, hadn't i caught it, they probrably would've tried for more

Had to shut down my MC linked to my checking account. Thanks USAA for catching this. It appears it is not the first rodeo with this company for you, as seen above. First charge was from an online grocer in UK, Ocado, LTD for $1.46. Then 3 charges from H&M Mail/Phone $71.19 twice and then another for $69.04 which has already been credited back to my account. Yeah, it does seem like this is a popular company with the fraudsters. Wonder if they are involved or just have things these people want?

My capital one fraud dept. called this morning to see if I charged $763.76 from H&M in Chicago on April 13,2015. This charge was made online by some unknown person. They canceled the card! I'm very careful when it comes to credit cards. These scoundrels are very slick in what they do. Be careful out there.

My bank card was hacked and a purchase made from H and M mail/pho in the amount of $195.95. I wonder how they got my card number and why these purchases can be made without authorization? There was a time when you had to show identification in order to pay with a credit card. There was also a fraud charge made at Guitar Trick California for $19.99. Thank goodness Wells Fargo is putting the money back into my account. Now I have to wait 7-10 days for a new card. Then it is Christmas and too late to buy anything else. Oh well...

Did not order anything from this company H&M mail/phone in Chicago, IL for $69.13 on 3o June 2014

Weird thing, i live in Qatar and they stole money from my debt card. i woke up today with 6 messages in my phone "H&M Mail\Phone Ord #77. i contacted the bank and they closed my card. This is ridiculous i cant believe its 2017 and our debt cards are still getting hacked!!!

had the same thing this morning... three different charges $30.94, $0.00, and then another charge for $53.93. I haven't used this card in months so I reported it. Also seeing a charge the same from DSW for $254.85 and again, not me.

Ugh - I only check these things when things happen. Same as everyone else. My Synchrony was hacked on 09/09/2016 through 09/13/2016. Unfortunately I didn't have alerts (please place alerts on all accounts) and only found out when my CC was declined on transaction. I was hit by H&M Mail/Phone Ord #77 - 5 times totaling $1113.61 and then by PPL*Team Beachbody for another 306.03. Thought the Synchrony is in process of investigating this.... it's all so strange that ANY CC company would even allow ANY transaction from these two vendors!! I mean really!

I just got the same charge for $217, Chase said they will refund me the money, send me a new Debit Card and Investigate. This is BS.

Hit today for H&M Clothing $86. Hit today for another charge from Overstock.com for $160. two purchases that I did not make as I was at work.

Capital One is on it. How can this go on for two years if you read the reply's of this going on for two years. I understand there is technology that can scan through wallets or purses to get this information.

I suggested to my CC company to supply the tamper proof envelope sleeves the banks give with ATM cards.. it sounded like a 'new' revelation!

Figure this... On the back of a card is the three digit 'security' card number. Making a purchase I have to give the CC # and expiration date. That should be enough for the purchase. But then I am asked for the 'three digit security code' which I thought was not to be disclosed for my protection. Cannot process the order without it, I understand where the merchant comes from.

Now the put 'chip' in the cards but that doesn't help if you are making an 'on-line' purchase. You have to give them what they ask for.

Bottom line, now whom ever you are dealing with over the phone or Inter-Net they have your credit card information.

I just had 3 separate charges from this equaling to almost $1300, clearly some sort of a scam.

Double charged to my capital one c/c done by H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 AT 2:00 AM online.

Please always check your bank and credit cards account constantly.

A $230 charge was posted to my credit card account on 11/01/2014 that I am sure I never made to "H&M MAIL/PHONE O". I am going to dispute the charge with BB&T and insist they investigate.

We just noticed a $157.36 charge to our checking account that we did not do! In my call to H&M I got no response and the lady I spoke with basically told me I needed to call the police department and file a report and that I should notify my bank. This charge just occurred, couldn't they put a stop on the order or charge? I have never shopped at H&M and you can bet I NEVER WILL now!!!

Just got hit with a $105.91 charge from this. I've never even been to Illinois or shopped at an H&M. I'm a college student with no source of income and bills to pay. This is the last thing I need.

Used my card at a motel, the only time it was out of my hand, and got $500 in two charges to H & M # 7700 apparently by the desk clerk at the motel.

Same as everyone else. Fraudulent charges made to this company on my credit card. Thankfully I set up notifications so the card was useless within 15 minutes.

Same here....over $600 of fraud charges to my M.C. USAA outstanding service. Caught immediately on same 1/2 occurred.

Where's law enforcement on this one???

Just got a charge on my Wells Fargo Debit Card for #313.50...called the above number and they say they are affiliated with a "clothing" store. Called my bank and shut down my card.

this scam has been going on a long time...and yes, I will prosecute and testify!

Woke up to a surprise charge of over $150 on my online statement this morning. Statement showed H&M ONLINE #7700 .
I had never heard of the company till I looked online and found this site. Called my bank, reported it, getting a new card in 7-10 days, which is a PITA... Also called H&M and reported there too. I will also be following through with law enforcement.

Still at it. September 2017, several fraudulent charges appeared on our Chase Visa account, for various amounts under $100 H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #7700 Additional merchant and transaction information 855-466-7467, IL 606070000 US Online, Mail, or Telephone transaction

At this point I can only assume is a fake company set up to scam money from credit card fraud. Such a shame they cannot close them down.

Wells fargo...two charges...one for $330 one for $125....debit card phone/mail charge

H&M Phone was the big fraudster...windows 7 sucks...

Wife called, happy anniversary gift : Crocs.com unauthorized purchased with debit card #. Called bank Thursday, today, they said investigation will commence after the last pending H&m and Crocs scamm drops...$400 at stake...BMO alerted, card cancelled....lovely way to start the day...

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDH&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • CHECKCARD H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • POS Debit H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • POS PUR H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • POS PURCH H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • POS PURCHASE H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • POS REFUND H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • PRE-AUTH H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • PENDING H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • Visa Check Card H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL MC
  • Misc. Debit H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL
  • CHKCARD H&M MAIL/PHONE ORD #77 - 855-466-7467 IL