#EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA

Learn about the "#Eig*Netfirms 866 5392854 Ma" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on March 17, 2012, Last updated on June 13, 2019

What is it?

I was Charged $180 by this Bloody hell EIG*NETFIRM and never had any Transaction whatever is this.. FRAUD..This should be banned by all Credit agency

I believe this is an annual fee for website hosting.

After speaking to a rep, he let me know that the $15.99 charge earlier in the year was an annual domain name renewal and the $239.76 I was questioning was for a 24 month period for web hosting for our web site. It was a legitimate charge for us.

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

I have a similar thing for EIG-MyDomain... the thing is that my credit card number has changed since I bought my original domain name! I didn't want to renew and completely forgot about it. Now this charge is showing up AND I DIDN'T GIVE THEM MY NEW CARD NUMBER!!!! Has to be fraud.

Just posted a few moments ago. Sorry for the formatting error. It should have read "the web hosting company must be processing payments as EIG @@@ (where @@@ denotes the name of the acquired company)"

Anyway, EIG must have bought Netfirms, just like it bought Homestead from Intuit. (Quickly googling shows that it did, in 2011.)

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

I have emails showing I canceled web hosting services with iPage, however, they still charged me each year for domain privacy of $13.99. I didn't realize this until today. I can understand being charged for that while I had web hosting service through them, but after I had canceled and even in a statement through email, they said I won't be charged again? that doesn't make any sense. Especially when the domain isn't in use and account was canceled.

They got my debit card number and charged over $1800 in fraudulent charges. I have never heard of this company nor have I ever done business with them.

It's a shame that the better business bureau won't do anything about it... I'm pretty sure with this much fraud this company has to be laundering. They got me too but it'll be the last time. I'm going to keep money how the old people do from now on. They're right to not trust banks wit their money...simply because for fraudulent cases ...the bank takes the money out quick but takes 3-5 business days to give it back. With this many fraudulent cases with this company there should have been some sort of solution by now. I'm sure nothing is being done about it so keep your eyes open or keep ur money somewhere else. But I'm just saying this is obviously a cover for another illegal cyber crime.

Flat out fraud. They charged me $179.88. I had to cancel my card and file a dispute. Why are they still allowed to charge cards?

This is a billing company for many web hosting and domain name providers. It was flagged as fraud by my MasterCard, and I denied payment. They resubmitted it, and this time MasterCard paid them! Now it's in dispute. I did have web hosting with one of the companies that they collect for, but had my setting to NOT automatically renew. They did it anyway, and not only that, they somehow managed to bill the credit card which was on file and expired without having the new card number. MasterCard told me they allow this for recurring payments, like electric bills, and that they give them the new number!! Naturally I balked at this and told them flat out I will not pay it. This company EIG, are a bunch of fraudsters. If you have a charge from them, dispute it.

Billing from EIG IPAGE- is a fraud. I was charged twice in a day almost $300 and I never had business with them.

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

I have never heard about this company before. I googled them in less than 5 minutes ago and came across this site. I called their number and I was told to dispute the charges with my bank.

How in the world did they get my account information?

Bunch of thieves

It's an annual web hosting fee from iPage

a lot of people here stating : "I didn't give them my new card number!"

well.. that means you didn't cancel your subscription and you..and you alone are responsible for cancellation in accordance with the terms of any merchant you deal with. if you didn't cancel in time, call them and see if they are willing to refund.. but don't go online screaming fraud when you forgot to cancel your account. its possible the merchant has no idea you didn't want to be charged or possibly an actual fraudster using your info to put through the charge, the company has no way to know you didn't ask for it. companies don't have time to double check every single transaction. Check your statements every month!

Just stating that something is fraud, does not make it fraud, the internet is filled with people screaming fraud at the top of their lungs but they willingly dealt with the merchant before hand. If you have dealt with the merchant, you will most likely have to file a dispute. and the above comment is correct, subscription merchants don't follow the same regulations and can force a charge through, its up to the client to have their proof that they cancelled their subscriptions.. and banks don't do stop payments for visa or mastercard

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

I called about a quarterly billing of $59.85 It is for a hosting company that bought an Old hosting company IX Hosting. I switched 2 years ago to Go Daddy when IX hosting dissolved. It turns out they sold their customer list to Verio and they continued billing me even though I was being hosted by Go Daddy. No refund offered. Verio is located in India. So I'm out of luck. Lesson learned to watch your billing and question any unfamiliar charges.

It was fraud for me - Chase contacted me about unauthorized charges to my account. They charged the same amount twice - said it was a telephone transaction. They refunded the money to my account & are having to issue me a new card.

web site maintenance

Fraud. My bank called me this morning and asked if I'd tried to purchase anything online last night or this morning, I told them no and they said there had been suspicious activity on my account. I logged in to my online banking and discovered ten charges for $23.88 that were pending that I definitely did not do myself. I have one domain but I've never used this debit card to renew it so I'm not sure where they got my info but I for sure didn't authorize it.

It's for website hosting. Mine appears as a charge to EIG Homestead. I questioned it too when I noticed it (just today, 3/6/2014) as a recurring charge, $8.99 every month for the past several months. I compared this to my bank statements a year ago, to see if I had any recurring charges in that amount. A year ago, I was paying Intuit for my website. I did, in fact, have an account through Intuit.

As it turns out, Intuit bought a web-hosting company called Homestead Technologies in 2007. It seems Intuit sold their web hosting business to Endurance International Group (EIG) in 2012. The new owners of the web hosting company must be processing payment as EIG (where denotes the name of the acquired company) (link, regarding intuit and EIG: http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/intuit-selling-its-web-hosting-business-to-endurance-international-group)

Apparently, EIG has been buying up a lot of web hosting companies, but handling the transitions very poorly. (Check the Better Business Bureau complaints. EIG has an incredibly low rating.)

Got a call from Chase saying they had charges denied from this biller. I am not familiar with them, never have used them to my knowledge. Seems like fraud.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • POS Debit #EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA
  • POS PUR #EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA
  • POS PURCH #EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA
  • PRE-AUTH #EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA
  • PENDING #EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA
  • Visa Check Card #EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA MC
  • Misc. Debit #EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA
  • CHKCARD #EIG*NETFIRMS 866-5392854 MA