8003508850 is the phone number for EventBrite, which handles ticketing for various events, "EB" is probably referring to this as well. "GRRCON 12" is probably http://grrcon.org/
EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
Learn about the "Eb *Grrcon 12 8003508850 Ca" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on April 27, 2012, Last updated on June 27, 2012
What is it?
Also Appears on Statements As
- CHKCARDEB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- CHECKCARD EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- POS Debit EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- POS PUR EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- POS PURCH EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- POS PURCHASE EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- POS REFUND EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- PRE-AUTH EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- PENDING EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- Visa Check Card EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA MC
- Misc. Debit EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA
- CHKCARD EB *GRRCON 12 8003508850 CA