DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA

Learn about the "Deckers*Ugg 888 432 8530 Ca" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on December 2, 2016, Last updated on May 24, 2023

What is it?

I just found a charge of $265.00 on my bank checking account. I have never heard of this company and would never buy shoes on-line. How do I get this reversed?

Was hit with a $325 charge on Christmas by this company, ref: DECKERSUGG 888 432 8530 CA. Looks like this grift has been going on awhile. Bank thankfully declined it but now I am out a debit card for several days until a new one arrives. Then the real fun begins; how to find out which vendor stole my data. SCREW YOU DeckersUgg!

My debit card was charged $200.00 on 11/25/22 and I did not order anything or purchase anything from this company! I want a refund. How do I do that?!

I got a notification my card had been approved for a charge at this site that I didn’t make

Request RMA for UGG boots purchased from Deckers, CA. Reading unfavorable reports about Deckers. I do not like the boots and request a full refund. There are many phone numbers to call. Is that a bad sign? Thank you

I was just woken up and notified from my bank that my card had been flagged for a fradulent charge and they wanted to know if it was legit or not. $300 to @deckeruggca. Acoompanied with a Dicks Sporting Good as well. They reimbursed the charges and shit down the card. I have been frustratrated in the past when they declined a legitimate transaction, but now it gives me more patience and understanding. Did my research and saw this thread, figured I would update. Back to bed!

Someone ordered merchandise for over $350 using my credit card number, declined, thank goodness!!

Someone made two different charges for Uggs boots on my card what can i do?

Someone took pic of my credit card that worked at Popeye's on Frankford Avenue in Baltimore, MD and tried to use it on this website, however, since I don't order online, my bank caught it and did not let it go through, then they tried 8 other places, same thing happed. then I had card deactivate it.

I got a notification my card had been approved for a charge at this site that I didn’t make

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDDECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA
  • POS Debit DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA
  • POS PUR DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA
  • POS PURCH DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA
  • POS REFUND DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA
  • PRE-AUTH DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA
  • PENDING DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA
  • Visa Check Card DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA MC
  • Misc. Debit DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA
  • CHKCARD DECKERS*UGG 888 432 8530 CA