Off market ATMS in New York
Cordene 18663316817 GB
Learn about the "Cordene 18663316817 Gb " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on June 8, 2015, Last updated on March 20, 2017
What is it?
This can also be an off the market ATM used throughout the US.
Yep, confirmed as Bovada online deposit.
Also Appears on Statements As
- CHKCARDCordene 18663316817 GB
- CHECKCARD Cordene 18663316817 GB
- POS Debit Cordene 18663316817 GB
- POS PUR Cordene 18663316817 GB
- POS PURCH Cordene 18663316817 GB
- POS PURCHASE Cordene 18663316817 GB
- POS REFUND Cordene 18663316817 GB
- PRE-AUTH Cordene 18663316817 GB
- PENDING Cordene 18663316817 GB
- Visa Check Card Cordene 18663316817 GB MC
- Misc. Debit Cordene 18663316817 GB
- CHKCARD Cordene 18663316817 GB