This is an 86.61 charge on my acct. I had it reversed, reported card stolen and now the bank gave the money back. When I call its an answering service. How do I find out who this is to get my money back. On my statement it reads Aa*8558074823Freglt Httpsfreefrom UT 7447027. I tried the web address. No luck there either.
Learn about the "Aa*8558074823fr" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on October 14, 2021, Last updated on November 20, 2021
What is it?
This charge is for pandora. The bank I work for verified this today.
Also Appears on Statements As
- CHKCARDAa*8558074823fr
- CHECKCARD Aa*8558074823fr
- POS Debit Aa*8558074823fr
- POS PUR Aa*8558074823fr
- POS PURCH Aa*8558074823fr
- POS PURCHASE Aa*8558074823fr
- POS REFUND Aa*8558074823fr
- PRE-AUTH Aa*8558074823fr
- PENDING Aa*8558074823fr
- Visa Check Card Aa*8558074823fr MC
- Misc. Debit Aa*8558074823fr
- CHKCARD Aa*8558074823fr