ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY

Learn about the "Atria Apps 833 2258373 Wy" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on August 23, 2023, Last updated on January 29, 2025

What is it?

This company tried to debit my account. I did not request anything.

Hi all,

I am an employee of Atria ( - We are an IT company that provides software but this company has used the exact same name as our organisation. We have also talked with another similar named org ( who is receiving the same messages requesting a refund.

We have done as much research as we can to try and identify what this charge is, we believe it to be some instagram app and some people have had some success requesting to cancel via

Hi all,

I am an employee of Atria ( - We are an IT company that provides software but this company has used the exact same name as our organisation. We have also talked with another similar named org ( who is receiving the same messages requesting a refund.

We have done as much research as we can to try and identify what this charge is, we believe it to be some instagram app and some people have had some success requesting to cancel via

It's the Atria Mobile Zodiac & Horoscope web service.

Can you help? What is this charge?

(Will be shown publicly)
(Be concise and clear. Include supporting links or references)

Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • CHECKCARD ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • POS Debit ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • POS PUR ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • POS PURCH ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • POS PURCHASE ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • POS REFUND ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • PRE-AUTH ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • PENDING ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • Visa Check Card ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY MC
  • Misc. Debit ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY
  • CHKCARD ATRIA apps 833-2258373 WY