My Visa company was alerted that my card was compromised due to a 3rd party being hacked and credit card numbers were stolen. Once i was issued a new card my old card was charged by them for two charges - $169 & $199. these are fraudulent charges and you should contact your credit card company for pursue this with them.
Learn about the "Asurion Wireless Insura 866 6672535 Tn" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on July 19, 2012, Last updated on October 24, 2016
What is it?
I was charged $199.00 from Aurian Wireless ins so I disputed the charge and my credit card credited me back the $199.00. The next day I saw two more pending charges from them for $199.99 and 99.00 so I ended up having to have a new credit card number issued to me. I know this company is associated with Verizon Wireless (which i do not use). I recently signed up for Verizon Fios at my home so I think that it is weird that I started getting these charges right after that, even though I had never given Verizon this credit card number. I still believe this has something to do with Verizon though, maybe a Verizon employee on commission from Aurian to provide credit card numbers from my Credit report.
Reporting that this happened to me too. $788 in various charges within 10 days. On my discover card that I rarely use.
Bank notified me of suspicious activity on my debit card - two $175 charges from Asurion Wireless. Called Asurion immediately, they asked for my debit card number and after I provided this to them, they said they would not stop the transactions and that I needed to pursue this with my bank. Obviously they need greater fraud protection at Asurion.
I had a $199 surprise unauthorized charge recently to my Wells Fargo account. Called the bank right away, and they issued me a new debit card. Asurion is a legit company, but obviously they aren't doing something right if this many people have had issues with fraudulent charges!
i too was defrauded by this company to my knowledge to date $99 i called the and was told how to file a dispute with my card company though charge was still pending they would not stop transaction this is just a scam contacted verizon who has their own wireless company and has no affliation with this so called company they sound like some ghetto kids on a corner i filed dispute with my card company but i never had any dealings with this company since i dont even have a wireless phone its a joke just hope the last laugh is mine but right now looks like they are laughing all the way to the bank i think they feel they are not stealing from ppl but from banks playing robin hood or something since they told me exactly how to get my money back from my card company its insane
My visa company just blocked my card for a fraudulent $199 charge from Asurion. First I've ever heard of them. Never had wireless insurance.
The same thing happened to me. Asurian Insurance, they billed me 199 and when I called they said they cannot fix it unless I give them the card number and keep the account open for 7-10 more days. Now why would I do this when they already have hacked it once? Why is Asurian not being held accountable for this? Why is it not on the news?
I just experienced unauthorized deduction of $149.00 from Asurion wireless (06/16/14) on my bank statement today. I will call my bank today and cancel the card. I have already mailed the Asurion wireless for the unauthorized deduction and still await the response. I am just hearing about the site today talk less of purchasing anything from the site. I think an urgent action has to be taking about the so called Asurion wireless.
apparently this unauthorized charging on people's credit card is very common. Just happen to me. Well be reporting them to a lawyer, BBB and a newschannel.
Just looked at my account and was charged $169 as well by ASURION WIRELESS INS 866-6672535 TN 37211. I will be disputing this company on Monday.
A charge appeared on my Navy Federal cc for $229. In Googling the company, it appears that the company offers insurance coverage for electronic devices (Phones, desktops, laptops, IPads, etc.,). I've never heard of this company and I most certainly never authorized any charges. I immediately froze the card, contacted the cc company, and filed a fraud complaint. The fraud report to the cc shut the card down.
I was charged three separate charges on my credit card account of 3/27 169.00, 3/31 149.00 and 4/3 169.00. I have never heard of this company Asurion Wireless Ins 866-667-2635 in TN. I would never purchase this type of insurance. I have called my credit card company to report that hackers stole my number. I canceled my credit card and closed the account since my credit card company did not notify me of charges that were unusual.
Had an unauthorized charge from Assurian Wireless Insurance on my bank account, and I don't even use Verizon or AT&T. Never would get wireless insurance to begin with. Disputed the charge with the bank and canceled the debit card. I will be sure to NEVER talk to anyone about Assurian ever if this is their standard practice to charge unsuspecting people for money they didn't authorize. Makes ALL insurance companies look bad.
Yup, it seems like they are definitely at it again. First time I've ever heard of this and upon checking my cc account today (I check it like a hawk every few days anyways), Asurion Wireless Insurance hit me for $199. Never had to deal with a fraudulent charge before so there's a first time for everything. Obviously, its not my charge as I've never ever had cell phone insurance in my entire life, do not carry it on my ATT plan and have definitely never made any type of claims with these jokers because I hadn't heard of them before today. Also, had never used this credit card with ATT ever either so have no clue how they got my cc #. Called the cc company to report it, cancelled my account and resent me new cards with a different acct #. Save yourself the time and headaches by just reporting it w/ your credit card company as it seems from everyone here that trying to get to the bottom of it with Asurion directly gets you nowhere.
I checked my CC account this morning(10/11/18 and found a charge of $149.00 from Asurion Wireless Insurance,, this is not a charge I would make and I called my credit card company immediately who said that I need to wait until it posts for them to dispute it! I googled the charge and found (literally) hundreds of similar fraud charges from this company,, why are they still in business?????? I will certainly rate them on all sites I can find.
Today I got my Visa Synchrony Bank card Statement, I was Charged $545.00 for Wireless Insurance Charge 866-667-2535 , also above this charge was a APPLE.COM charge for $2.99. I never requested or have heard of this Insurance . This Company is a rippoff .
Same problem, found a posted charge from Asurion Wireless for $169. I immediately called Visa and reported the charge and requested a new card. Had the same problem with PayPal, found 4 charges and immediately contacted PayPal who was no help what so ever. PayPal said I received the merchandise and would not remove the charges, once reported to Visa they removed all charges from PayPal.
Same here - two debit card authorizations $169 and $199. Never heard of that company, never purchased a phone insurance... How could that be going on for so long ?
p.s. the charges were $150 and $175.
Same thing happened to me. Luckily my credit card company had the funds returned to my account the next day. Everyone should go and file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau as I did. This company has an A+ rating when they should have an F-.
I also was affected by an unauthorized transaction of $199 from Asurion Wireless on 10-28-14. Apparently they haven't found the culprit yet if this is still going on..... Thankfully my bank took care of it and told me that I wasn't the only one who has filmed a fraud claim for Asurion Wireless
Asurion wireless charged 149.00 to my credit card. I do not even know this company and never contacted it. It's a fraud company. Beware of it
Appears they are at it again. Checked my son's account that I too am on and found a charge for $199.00 to Asurion Wireless. Immediately called the bank who advised they can't do anything as the charge is still pending. Will have to wait for it to go through to dispute. In the interim I contacted the company and got a total run around but did learn the name of the person that made the claim. We do not know this person and have never authorized anyone else to make charges with our debit cards to anyone under any circumstances. Nothing resolved at this point. We sit in limbo waiting for Asurion to make their move and then file the activity as fraudulent in hopes our account will be reimbursed. Absolutely maddening!
I was balancing my checkbook, and also found this charge in the amount of 300.00 to ASURION WIRELESS INS TEL 8666672535 TN. I DON'T EVEN HAVE VERIZON WIRELESS. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ABOUT THIS CRAP THEY ARE DOING TO PEOPLE!
I was also just added to this never ending list. Why isn't anyone offering ideas as to new places they have used their cards. If we put our ideas together we might figure out where this is originating. For me I joined a Bob Segar fan club, direct gardening, and The rest of my charges I use all the time were thru Amazon, Target and Walmart. I don't understand why the money can't be traced
I guess I have the same story. Contacted by BofA and advised that there were suspicious charges on my checking account. Reviewed the charges and found a charge for $169.00 From Asurion Wireless in TN. When I called the number, I explained the problem to the agent who then transferred me to another agent. She told me that if I gave her the full card number she could tell me who made the charge. They sure did sound professional on the phone. Fortunately, I opted to hang up and call the bank instead. Disputing charges and getting a new debit card. What a hassle!
My Visa was charged 169 from Asurion as well from my credit union. They also took little over a 1,000.00 out of my other bank account with USAA on the same day. One charge was with Walmart and two others with Liberty Mutual. After contacting Liberty Mutual, they said we don't show those charges of those amounts. These people have no idea what is going to happen next but I do. Knock, Knock, "PRISM", we have a reservation for you at our state pen for 5 years. Felony offense... I get the last laugh. :-)
Just checked my bank statement and found two charges of $175 each from ASURION Wireless Ins. We changed our phones earlier this month but did not purchase insurance. I called the number listed but it did not go through so I called the bank and they were very helpful in taking the debit off my account and will re credit the amount. They had to close my card due to fraud and issue a new one. Phones were purchased through Verizon. Can't trust anyone.
I am adding to this chorus of fraudulent charges.My Discover card was billed $199.00by Asurion on 11/07/14. Never heard of them. I di pay my Verizon bill one time with this card. That may be where they are getting these credit card numbers.
Same here, 199 charge hit my BOA card. Also, small charges from
Update - I just spoke with Visa the card is now cancelled. Visa said that they also use a charge with something small like $1.12 to authorize under 123 Copenhagen, or some name like that. Then they wait so you don't get suspicious and then they charge the large amounts later. My Visa is now cancelled.
I just randomly checked my Citi credit card account and there were three $169 charges that I did not authorize from Asurion Wireless. Called the CC company. They have opened up an investigation, canceled the card, and are sending out a new card. I'm amazed that this is still happening when people have been complaining about it for months on here.
I checked my checking account today and found two charges for $99 on it; called Asurion they said I had to call Verizon; Verizon said it was NOT them that my insurance was billed monthly on my bill; but that the charge is the same amount as replace two IPhones -which neither my husband nor I had done; both Visa debit cards were used and had to be canceled - thankfully PNC refunds all money - this is a SCAM company!
I was alerted by my bank today of a charge in the amount of $169.00 by your company, Asurion Wireless, please refund immediately. Check your statements everyone. They are also providers for Sprint.
I have a $199.00 charge on my credit card with transaction date: 02/20/2015.
Listening to this news report:
it seems like what might be happening is that those charges are payments to Asurion to replace a phone that was reported as lost.
The people know enough information about a real policy holder with Asurion that they can file a claim that the cell phone was lost.
Then when the new phone arrives they pick it up before the person can receive it.
I never had any policy with Asurion, but the company may take the deductible payment from various sources.
At any rate, according to what I read, people are aware of this scam, and so when I call the bank they may just remove it without any further time spent on the matter.
i too was defrauded by this company to my knowledge to date $99 i called the and was told how to file a dispute with my card company though charge was still pending they would not stop transaction this is just a scam contacted verizon who has their own wireless company and has no affliation with this so called company they sound like some ghetto kids on a corner i filed dispute with my card company but i never had any dealings with this company since i dont even have a wireless phone its a joke just hope the last laugh is mine but right now looks like they are laughing all the way to the bank i think they feel they are not stealing from ppl but from banks playing robin hood or something since they told me exactly how to get my money back from my card company its insane
Asurion Wireless is at it again. Fraudulent charge of $199 to my Capital One Visa, with an associated Asurion phone number of 866-667-2535. The charge is false and the phone number is false-- there is an automated response when you call this number saying that they are authorized by your wireless company to charge $199 deposit. The real Asurion number is 1-888-562-8662. Frustratingly enough, AT&T will take no action, nor will Asurion (the real one). I have had to cancel my card-- thanks to Capital One for spotting this early.
I just got hit with a $150 charge from Addition this weekend.
In checking my credit card bill on-line, I was billed July 11 for $200; refunded on July 12 the same amount. I have never had anything to do with Verison, nor have I ever even looked into cell phone insurance. Had to cancel my credit card and get another one. Such as hassle!!! Still getting notifications that 'my bill wasn't paid' (due to credit card change). Why can't Assurian get their system straightened out? There must be close to 500 complaints against this company.
I just looked at my cc statement and assurion charged me 169.00 and the lady at the cc dispute said that another charge for 60.00 was attempted the next day from but was declined. my card is now cancelled.
just got the 169 charge on my amex never heard of these people before
My daughter's ATM just got billed for $199. I called my credit union & filed a fraud report with the police. When I called the Asurion the man that answered said they had authorization to charge this ATM card for "Verizon iPhone insurance". We don't use Verizon for our wireless phones. I don't know what these crooks are doing but I hope that they burn in H*ll.
billed me $169.00 showed up as ASURION WIRELES 8666672535 TN. I don't even have a cellular phone in my name nor have I ever. I have had my debit card in my possession at all times and no one has access to my bank information but me. Cancelled card and disputing charges. Will call tomorrow to address this issue with Asurion and provide the card number as it has been cancelled. So much for Identity theft protection. I will likely also get a new account. Wells Fargo Customer. This is the first time this has happened to me. I am also reporting to my identitiy theft company.
I noticed a a charge from this company and knew it wasn't something I charged. I called my bank and canceled both debit cards, and reported the fraud charges to them. I also called this company...unfortunately for them people are stealing card info and using it to order from the company. They are a legit company. There wasn't much they could do, they were able to stop delivery of the phone that was ordered because I caught the charge so quickly. Now for the long road of getting the $169.00 refunded :(
I am reporting a fraudulent charge of $169.00 to my visa by Asurion wireless insurance. I notified my bank closed out that card and ordered a new one. They erased that charge and hopefully will pursue these criminals.
I am reporting this charge - two transactions dated 12/19/13 on my VISA card. VISA company says someone used my # to buy replacement cell phones, that is what the charges are for. It's a legit company but someone fraudulently using CCs to buy stuff (cell phones) from them. My card is being cancelled and a new one issued.
I already have phone insurance that was purchased nearly a year ago. There's no way I'd make a charge like this. I have the habit of checking my account daily, and thank goodness I did! There was a $75 charge on my checking account from ASURION WIRELESS INS TEL866667253 TN Date 02/06/14
I'm going to my credit union tomorrow to fill out a fraud form. I already cancelled my debit card. :/
It looks like this has been happening quite frequently. I hope this gets settled soon!
just now got $99 deducted from my debit card from Asurion Wireless Ins! And I live in Qatar and my debit card is issued by a Qatar bank!! My bank now blocked my card and will investigate this fraud. So Asurion is now debiting credit cards and debit cards all across the globe???
I got a charge for 59$, but it seems I got it back within one day automatically... I've never seen them before.
Today I had 169.00 taken from my account. Called and couldnt get the company so I called Sprint and they told me that isnt even the number for their insurance. the number listed with the charge is 866 667-2535 TN. I have closed and disputed too. What a pain.........................
The same thing happened to me today on 3/30/2019. I called the company, of course they closed. I called my band and reported this fraud charge. Will get a new card. I am really sad that this CRIME has existing for so many years.
I have had deductions for up to over $600 from my Discover card - Do not have Verizon and do not have a device that would warrant this Service. Surely have never HEARD of this company! Reported the fraud to Discover and they are reversing these charges for me and issuing another card. My question is: How did they get the information on my card? Police need to get involved here!
It's still going on. I too have had two debits off my card $234.12. I'm not affiliated with this company at all.
A charge appeared on my Navy Federal cc for $229. In Googling the company, it appears that the company offers insurance coverage for electronic devices (Phones, desktops, laptops, IPads, etc.,). I've never heard of this company and I most certainly never authorized any charges. I immediately froze the card, contacted the cc company, and filed a fraud complaint. The fraud report to the cc shut the card down.
Today I found an unauthorized charge from Asurion as well like others on this board. Asurion Wireless charged $99 without my knowledge. While I'm disputing this with my bank it's such a waist of time. Can someone please bust these criminals?
Saw today (4-26-14) $169.00 credit card charge from Asurion Wireless Ins in Tennessee made on 4-14-14 (posted 4-16). I don't own a wireless phone (use company's), did not purchase or anything else from them. Called Chase (number on back of card), they said credit would appear within 48 hours, will also block any future charges from them.
This was a charge that showed up on my statement just recently. It is the deductible from the insurance that we carry on our cell phones. My husband recently broke his phone and he made a claim. lol. After seeing this I thought it was fraudulent but then remembered our claim.
I just found a charge for $169 pending on my bank credit card for Asurion Wireless Ins. and as I was not familiar with the company I "googled" them and found this forum! Wow, I cannot believe that they are allowed to continue with the fraudulent charges to unsuspecting and innocent victims. My bank said that I have to wait for the charge to "post" before I can contact the "merchant" to dispute, and after reading all of these complaints, I think I will contact my bank and demand that my account be closed and they issue me a new card. Thank you for confirming my suspicions!
I was charged $75 by them. Never heard of them, and have never purchased wireless insurance.
I had a $149.00 charge listed on my statement to ASURION WIRELESS INS 8666672535 US. I called the number and someone was willing to work with me to clear up the charge.
Info: Asurion is a cell phone insurance service. They replace your phone if you break it or it is stolen for a monthly fee. When you send it back, all you pay is the deductible $149-$199. If you don't return the phone, they charge you for its value.
The Asurion charge on my account turned out to be fraud. Someone had stolen my debit card info and used it to pay the deductible to have their phone fixed. How they got my number, I do not know.
Steps I took: 1. Reported the fraud to Asurion and requested a refund. 2. cancelled my debit card and ordered a new one. 3. Put my bank on alert for any other fraud charges against my account.
Conclusion: Mine was identity theft. Asurion was not blame. Hope this helps someone that needs it.
Was on vacation last week and and just happened to call my bank to see about a pending charge. Was surprised to find a $199 pending debit for Asurion Wireless debited the day before. I immediately called the claims department at Chase. I closed the card and they gave me an automatic temporay refund while they investigated the claim. Apparently it was obvious fraud to them because I got to keep the refund. I checked today and Assurian had attempted to make another $199 debit on the old card. Chase immediately credited my account. Yeah Chase. I don't know how Assurian got my card number but I'm happy Chase is backing me in this fight. Have checked credit report and have no indication that my identiy was stolen so far. Hopefully this is just an isolated incident.
Also Appears on Statements As
- Visa Check Card ASURION WIRELESS INSURA 866-6672535 TN MC
- Misc. Debit ASURION WIRELESS INSURA 866-6672535 TN